Goldy Ipsum. There are faint tracks across this vast campus, leading to little clandestine holes where busy Gophers play. Success is an element in which striving is attainable, but only with big teeth, endlessly gnawing at the challenge around every corner. For here, at this place, failure has no definition other than to point the way to future advancements in every aspect of what we seek.
On hind legs Gophers rise in an effort to see what comes in our future, a proactive approach to pave the way into a brighter tomorrow. In the numerous crevices they hide, not to shy away from danger, but to quietly seek a way to face the danger through better research and testing. They do not display the demure characteristics of the ancestral rodent, for they are the hubristic Minnesota Gophers.
In the shadow of the iron figure the tenacious gears turn in propitious motion with the luminous efforts of the dexterous innovators that drive them. For in this general locality the adept minds of the engineering community endeavor to ameliorate the sophisticated puzzles that surround humanity.
East of the east bank, across the city lines, you will find a tranquil parcel, a countryside within an urban expanse. And from within this humble safe haven where panurgic gophers weave through research and scamper over theories, there is quiet.
In the heart of the territory on the eastern shore lives a treasured commodity within a geode, where six miles of wood lay way within shaped granite and angular windows. It stores a plethora of history of past heroes who have devotedly excelled in a wide range of skills.